Friday, February 29, 2008

Some facts about Earth

1- Size of the Earth:

Polar diameter 7899.83 miles

Equatorial diameter 7926.41 miles

Polar circumference 24859.82 miles

Equatorial circumference 24901.55 miles

2-Area of the earth:

Total surface area 19,69,40,000 sq.miles

Land area 5,75,06,000 sq.miles (30% of the total)

water are 13,94,34,000 sq.miles(70% of total)

Age of the earth 4.6 to 5 billion years

Density of the earth 5.52 (water has density of 1)

3-Distance of moon from earth:

Closest 2,21,456 miles

Farthest 2,52,711 miles

Average 2,38,875 miles

4-Distance of sun from Earth

Closest 91.4 million miles

Farthest 94.5 million miles

Average 92.9 million miles

Escape velocity 7 miles per second

Period of revolution of earth around sun 1 year(365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes and 9.54 seconds)

5-Period of rotation of Earth on axis 4.09 seconds

6- Speed of Earth in orbit around the sun 8.5 miles per second

7- Volume of Earth 260 billion cubic miles

8-Weight of earth 6586 x 10 tons

9-Chemical make of the earth:

Oxygen 46.6%

Silicon 27.7%

Aluminium 8.1%

Iron 5.0%

Calcium 3.6%

Sodium 2.8%


Magnesium 2.1%

Others 1.5%

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Pak Afgha border (Northwest)
known as Durand Line=2252 kms or 1400 miles

Pak-China Border (Northeast)
alongwith Northern areas=595 kms or 370 miles

Pak-Iran border (west)= 805 kms or 500 miles

Pak-India border (east)=1610 kms or 1000 miles

Pakistan is thirty-fourth largest country in the world. It has area of 796,096 sq.kms or 307,374 sq.miles.The area of Azad Kashmir i.e. 13,297 sq.kilometres and northern areas i.e. 72,496 sq. kilometres has not been included in the total area of Pakistan.

Pakistan has a coastline of 1100 kilometeres, which is divided into Sindh coast (330 km) and the Balochistan coast (about 770 km).

Pakistan's territorial sea limit is 200 nautical miles from the coastline.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Independence from UK

August 14, 1947 (Ramazan 27, 1366 A.H) is the most memorable date when the Indian subcontinent was divided into two countries and Pakistan merged as a sovereign state, on the world map, being the world's largest Islamic State.


The name Pakistan was coined by Chaudhary Rehmat Ali, a Cambridge student, in 1933, by taking the initial letters of P. A. K from the Punjab, Afghan (Pathan of NWFP) and Kashmir and adding the remainder S. T. A. N from the last four words of Balochistan. Actually it means "the land of pious people" or "the land of the pure".

Long Form Name:

According to the 1973's Constitution of Pakistan, the official name of the country is the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Type of Government:

Strong Federal Parliamentary form, with President as head of State.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Recall your memory and the stories of butchery and loss of Muslim lives at the time of the partition which our parents and grandparents have been telling us. It is a national pastime to sit in the living room with some friends and criticise on our own COUNTRY (very bad) healthy critism is useful but when you have solution for such problem. So let me share with you what makes me proud to be a Pakistani. I’ll start with the people who make me proud to be Pakistani. DR. Abdul Qadeer, Dr. abdus salam, Edhi,etc. There are lots of women who make me proud to be Pakistani, in fact there are too many to mention here. Then there are sportsmen like JHangor Khan, Imran KHan, Asam-ul-Haq . Then our sailors, armed forces. Then our musicians and singers like Nusrat Fateh Ali KHan, NUr Jahan, Mehdi Hassan, UStad GHulam Ali Khan, etc. Then the NATURAL BEAUTY make me proud to be a Pakistani-- deserts, mountains, rivers, valleys, beaches etc (silence conversation with the simple fact of their beauty make you feel proud Pakistani no doubt) & our architechtural heritage So it a humble request to stop using Islamic fanaticism to hinder our country’s progress and development & “Proud to be a Pakistani”